How to Choose Yoga Towel

Whether you’re a beginner yogi or a die-hard yoga bunny, you will know full well that flowing into chaturangas, cobra poses and downward dogs is a rather sweaty business – and that’s before you even consider Bikram.

Add in a hot studio and suddenly there’s a lot of moisture covering your body and mat. Step in yoga towels – a must-have piece of kit to ensure you get the most out of your yoga session.

1. Why use a yoga towel?

Yoga towels provide an extra layer between you and your mat. Rolled out over your stretching surface, they will act as an extra absorbent buffer to soak up any sweat quickly and efficiently so that you won’t start slipping around on a damp surface. This in turn will make your workout safer and allow you to focus on improving your technique.

They are also a hygienic addition to your potentially overworked mat – in busy gyms and studios, you don’t always know who exactly was using it before you and the cleaning practices.

2. What features to look for in a yoga towel?

The material of your yoga towel is paramount. Sweat absorbent and quick-drying are the key properties you need to look for to keep you cool, calm and sturdy – microfibre fabric is a great option for this.

Non-slip features including dotted bottoms or cornered pockets will also provide extra grip and keep movement in your control. Most towels are usually pretty lightweight meaning they are great to take on the move – to the gym, your local studio or even on holiday, and some even come with a nifty carry pouch for the ultimate convenience.

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Hi, I am Dean Zhuang, Sales Director of yogasuppliers, hope this article is helpful to you, if you like it and hope to receive more valuable posts in the future, please subscribe our newsletter or send us inquiry.

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